Welcome to Thriving Leaders

Our program is curated to help you develop the mindset, habits and relationships needed to become a more effective and fulfilled leader.

Join facilitaters Dr. Jenny Brockis and Sarah Metcalfe as they hold space on 42 Acres regenerative farm, a beautiful and sustainalbe location that reflects our commitment to whole-life wellness and a supportive, sustainable and regenerative practice of leadership.

With this carefully designed program, you will gain insights, perspectives and tools to help you navigate the leadership challenges you currently face, and ones you will face in the future, with confidence and resilience.

If you would like to experience an indepth and careful leadership programme supported by science, and backed up by the need to create sustainability in our leadership practices and our organisations to reverse the global burnout crisis.

Join us for 5 days (plus group Coaching) to deeply connect back to your leadership purpose and to help you thrive.


As a leader, your thinking has a powerful impact on our behaviour and outcomes. By exploring your thinking patterns and learning to think more effectively, you can unlock your full potential and lead your team to success.

Healthy Habits

Your physical and mental health are critical to your success as a leader. By developing health habits you can enhance your well-being and performance.


Great leaders know that relationships are the foundation of great business. Building trust, communication and focusing on the quality of the your relationships you can unleash the unrealised potential in your teams.


Self-awareness, clarity and insight are essential for leaders of the future. By reflecting on your strengths, weakness, biasis, and understanding your needs and your commitments you can thrive as a great leader.


Empathy is the number 1 sited skill of leaders today. By exploring, and developing your empathy you will enable deep connection, true understanding at a deeper level. Your empathy unlocked helps to create a more inclusive, collaborative and high-performing environment

T.H.R.I.V.E. Principles


Your values provide a compass for your leadership, guiding your decisions and actions. By getting clear about your values and your needs and aligning them with your leadership goals, you can connect deeply to a sense of purpose and meaning in your work.